Monday, October 27, 2008

Cheese and Chocolate & Meatloaf

Today was a busy day. I had my orientation, then an appt at 4 til 5, then dinner with the fam in LV at 545 and then I was supposed to have a volleyball game followed by dessert with the girls at Melting Pot. It happened mostly like that, except for the exercise..that did not happen. I got a call as I finished dinner that the team we were playing was forfeiting, but our team was still going to have practice. Hmmm, I skipped the practice. Instead, I ate some meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy and peas, then headed back to KC, changed my clothes and waiting for SG1, to pick up MG and I. We then headed down towards the Plaza and picked up SG2 and met ES at Melting Pot for Ladies Night. What? Did you say you are not familiar with ladies night? It's a wonderful invention, two glasses of wine or cosmos, all you can eat cheese and chocolate for $22. We had the Wisconsin trio and the spinach and artichoke cheese, and wine and each of us had a chocolate martini. I will say that we sent the martinis back because they did not have the chocolate dripping around the edge (only reason we ordered them), but the waiter brought them back properly garnished!

Tomorrow is my first full day at work. I am going in to train/shadow with a current server. I will be working from 10-close. Close is at 11:30, but I hope to God I don't have to stay that long!

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