Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"You has nice teeth"

Yes, the title is a direct quote from one of my tables this evening. A group of 3 men with gold teeth came in, wearing oversized jeans, jerseys and leather sporting jackets. They were very nice, all ate hot wings and drank Stella Artois, which I thought was an interesting choice of beverage. Anyway, as I mentioned each of them had a nice set of gold teeth or grill. I said thank you when they told me that I had nice teeth. But my question is....should I have returned the compliment even though gold teeth are not really my thing? Remember, I am still not getting tips until I am finished training. A thought to ponder...
All in all, the day went well. I think I am ready to go on my own, but I have to work one more shift as an expo person in the kitchen then I will be set free.
As some of you may know, I enjoy making lists. Well, I have decided I am going to make a list of things I would like to accomplish before my 27th birthday on November 30th, and then a list of things I would like to accomplish before my Golden Birthday in 2011. I think this will start in my next post.
Also, my day started with a pumpkin bagel and cream cheese again today. I will take a break from it tomorrow, but I discussed with my roomie MG, that we need to buy a box of them and freeze them, especially since they are a limited time item.
One more thing, I doubt I dressing up for Halloween, so I have no costume contest to win with my brilliant costume idea, but I would like someone to use it, win and then split their winnings with me. All you need is:
A girl/guy couple wearing normal clothes
3 girl baby dolls
3 boy baby dolls
2 older girl dolls
Pin them to you, or get a large stroller or wagon for all of them to ride in and you could be Jon and Kate Plus 8. Brilliant, I know. Thank me later.
Oh, but if you are going to be Kate, you have to be a raving lunatic and yell at Jon and constantly roll your eyes all night.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Ok that is hilarious! The whole thing teeth men, costume idea! That really is a great idea for a Halloween costume..