Thursday, November 13, 2008


I am heading to bed. I was gone all evening with friends and was so excited to come home and find mice in each trap my mom and I set today. I have a blood blister to prove that the old school wooden traps don't mess around. Nope, nothing yet. I cross my fingers that they do not snap in the middle of the night! That might freak me out.
I tried a new trick of keeping the radio on in my room today, I am hoping that keeps them away.
On another note, I met SG1 on the Plaza this evening to take advantage of the amazing Friends and Family deal at Gap. I found some good deals, and some even greater things to add to my Christmas list. We then went to the hospital for SG1 and SG's man to meet Baby Allie. While we were waiting for Allie's mom to finish feeding, I decided to stop in and see my friend who had a baby boy this week as well. I was holding Evan when I noticed my shirt felt very warm, well, you guessed it, Mr. Evan peed the most I have ever seen a baby pee, and his diaper caught none of it, it all leaked on me. Luckily, I had a new purchase from the Gap to change into before heading to Tequila Harry's!
I am hoping a warm front moves in for the weekend for the KSU vs. Nebraska game that I got 4 tickets to today!

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