Thursday, December 4, 2008

Very Disturbing Story

So, I heard a story recently about a friend of a friend's family. The family lives in St. Louis and has a 9 year old daughter. The daughter has a very large boa constrictor as a pet, he is never in a cage, just slithers around and curls up on her bed each night and sleeps with the 9 year old. To feed it, the give it a rat every 2-3 days. Recently, the snake stopped curling up and stopped eating, so they took it to the vet. The vet immediately put it to sleep and had to break the news to the family. It turns out that the snake was on a hunger strike for weeks, and was not coiling up, so he could stretch out. The vet said the snake was preparing to eat something about 70 pounds. The little girl is now upset, but I don't think she realizes her pet was planning to eat her. I hope they do not get her a new snake for Christmas, if so, SRS needs to be called.
Your thoughts?

1 comment:

Erin said...

yeah... that's actually an urban legend.